Serving Time

Well, looks like no “mending walls” today. Maybe tomorrow. Funny thing though… Last month, I made sure all the computers here at twc central were patched for the DST change. Heck, even those computers running a version of Windoze that Me$$y$oft didn’t issue a patch for were “fixed” with tzedit.

But. Yesterday, computers here at twc central running Me$$y$oft OSes apparently did NOT change time. Well, they did, but they were also set to automatically check with internet timerservers for time checks and… none of the Windoze computers using the default timeservers were “changed” late last night or this a.m.

Hmmm… That’s weird. Fired up tzedit again and, yep, they are all set correctly as to when DST starts, but were still all giving the time at the old pre-DST times. Strange, eh?

Checked the default timeservers. Not. A. Single. One… had been updated.

Changed to some alternate (secondary) servers and… bingo! All updated, now.

Oh, how did Linux fare in DST updates, you ask? Slick as goose grease. Easy-peasy, lemon-squeezey.

Had better timeservers set by default. Of course. *heh*

Trackposted to stikNstein… has no mercy, Big Dog’s Weblog, The World According to Carl, and DragonLady’s World, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

2 Replies to “Serving Time”

  1. sheesh all that PC talk is makin me feel inadequate
    and stttttooopid…got some hazelnut coffee with vanilla
    cream anywhere by any chance?. de caf of course..grinz

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