SPAM, again

I awoke this a.m. to more than 1,000 comments/tbs in my SPAM queue.

Deleted. It’d make my eyes itch to skim through that many to find the one or two worthwhile comments/tbs experience has shown still get errorneously tagged as SPAM.

If you feel your comment/trackback has been erroneously tagged as SPAM and I’ve failed to resurrect it, do as Angel did today and leave me a comment letting me know. I’d hate to miss such posts as Angel’s LibAlert.

Of course, if your comment/trackback was tagged because of a SPAM-characteristic URL or mail addy, maybe sending me an email to let me know would work better. However you do let me know, be assured I’ll take a closer look and even hard code a link–as I just did for Angel’s trackbacked post–if need be.

Of course, I have manually tagged some comments held in my moderation queue (separate from the SPAM queue) as SPAM and deleted them, for various reasons. See my comment policy for possible reasons why I might manually delete/tag as SPAM any particular comment. My blog, my rules. Even if they do read like the tax code.

7 Replies to “SPAM, again”

  1. Thanks for goin fishin for me..ha
    hey I’m a pisces so that makes perfect sense~!
    spam was on my list of things in that last post of things
    that “shouldnt have the right to exist” the post..
    you’ll laff!

  2. I have a feeling my blog’s trackbacks earlier this week got blocked but I’m not certain. If you don’t mind checking, I’d appreciate it.

  3. uggh one of those image captchas. I hope I get it right!! p.s. now the trouble with this one for a typist like myself is that tabbing to the post button doesn’t visit the code entry. whenever I have to take my hands off the keyboard and use the mouse, that’s a bummer in my book.

  4. Uisce, I hear you, but since I’m plagued with 1,000s of SPAM a day, unfortunately it’s folks like you (and I–sometimes my OWN comments get tagged–*heh*) who must pay the price of keeping this thing “open”. *sigh*

  5. I’ve been hit especially hard on both LCS and on my more local focused blog that’s on it’s own
    domain. I’m using wordpress and have a challenge question as well as the plug ins that are
    supposed to eliminate spam and some of those still get thru. Yet, I can’t go thru and just delete
    because sometimes people who really are commenting something valid get caught up in the spam catcher
    by doing something like trying to use more than two links.

    Spammers stink…I’d use something stronger but I think you know what I mean.


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