Things are going well… on several fronts

While Bush is racking up the ECV and leading or doing well in all the states he must (and some of the “bonus” states, as well), Senate races are also going well.

And on the voter intimidation front, Lori Byrd at Polipundit notes a report that

” …the GOP has a list of documented Democratic voter intimidation cases longer than your arm. Or, longer than a John Kerry speech. Or, longer than John Edwards spends fussing with his hair. You get the idea.”

Add that to the Daschle embarrassment for the Dems in SD (no matter how the race turns out), and “litigating the race” (and doing so via the Mass Media Podpeople) becomes problematic for the Dems.

As many have noted: if the polls are still open, call Uncle Zed and Aunt Polly and get them, their kids and their dogs down to vote.

And pray.

Maybe pray first. And keep on.


Ten Reasons to Vote for Bush

Thx to Carol Liebau for referring to the California Republic blog Some good stuff there, including “Top ten reasons I’m voting for Bush today” by Steven Zak. Here’s a part of his list. Read the rest at the link.

10: Michael Moore, who cheers for terrorists — I mean, “Minutemen” — in Iraq, and who dedicated a book to terror enabler Rachel Corrie. Among his disciples, who reveal themselves by adopting his talking points, are John Kerry and Osama bin Laden.

9: George Soros, the billionaire financier of far-left organizations like, so bent on single-handedly ending the Bush presidency that he has donated over $15 million toward that end. Soros fails to understand — or doesn’t care — that democracy means everyone’s voice counts, not that the will of others can be nullified with sufficient cash.

8: Soros wannabe, B-list actor Matt Damon, who recently confessed to his own fantasy of eliminating the voting input of other Americans by buying the election. “I would pay $1 million to have Kerry in the White House,” he told a crowd in Germany. (My own fantasy: I pay a million to have Damon permanently disappear from every movie screen and video store in America.)

7: Dan Rather and CBS, who made their own effort to hijack the election using fabricated documents to denigrate President Bush — an appalling attempt at anti-democracy by trickery. As if all is nonetheless right with the world, Rather will be there, reporting away, on November 2.

It’s a “top ten countdown” so go read the rest, and stick around for others’ commentary there, as well.

Nothin’ could be fine-a than a-standin’ in the line-a…

It’s been a few years since I had to stand in any kind of line to vote (well, since we moved here, I guess). Didn’t today, either. Folks were marking their ballots and moving right along this morning at 6:30 (yeh, we got a late start :-). It was nice, though, to be “carded” here in our lil under 2,000 pop town at a polling place where darned near everyone knew who folks were.

Voting is serious business. Producing valid ID and proving you have the right to vote is a good thing. Of course, moving from punch card ballots to marking in lil circles with a “special” pen was difficult for me, since I’ve never been good at “coloring between the lines” [heh].

Oh, and I did vote for one Democrat. One of the finest men in the county, up for commissioner in our district. Was an easy choice. And I do enjoy those positions where the only vote is “should so-and-so retain their position” cos the answer is always “No” to that question. Of course, most of those positions are for lifers… something we ought not have anywhere (how about a Constitutional Amendment requiring federal judges/justices to retire? Yeh. A Good Thing, IMO)

Well, back to letting Fox election commentary play in the background while I get “real meaningful stuff” done…

Chicago… of course

“Blackfive” reports being turned away from the polls in Chicago:

I was not in the [voter registration] books. I’ve voted in every election in my district since moving there in 2000…

…I have two forms of ID – a driver’s license and a Firearm Owner ID. I also have a faculty ID for the UofC and a corporate ID from where I work. I had my Voter Registration Card. I also had a paycheck with my address on it…

…As I left on my way to the County Election Commission to file a complaint, I asked ten different people who were also denied a vote because they weren’t in the book, “Are you Republicans?”

All ten replied, “Yes.”

“Did you vote in the primary?”

Nine, “Yes.”

Who’s “suppressing the vote” here, I wonder. Oh. Yes. It’s Chicago. ‘Nuff said?


CLICK on over to W

There’ll be a BIG smile on your face when you leave.

More from Moore (if you can stomach it)

Well, naturally. Michael Moore is just tickled pink that OBL is cribbing from his Fahrenheit 9/11 for lines in OBL’s latest video release.

(For those of y’all who need a little opportunity to release a lil steam, I think I can scare up a copy of a Moore-based target you can run off for posting at the range… )

Is This Why sKerry Won’t Sign SF-180?

This may be why Jean Fraud sKerry won’t sign a Standard Form 180 allowing the Navy to release all his military records. In a column in The New York Sun today, Mark Sullivan, a former Navy JAG officer says,

“Unlike enlisted members, officers do not receive other than honorable, or dishonorable, certificates of discharge. To the contrary, the rule is that no certificate will be awarded to an officer separated wherever the circumstances prompting separation are not deemed consonant with traditional naval concepts of honor. The absence of an honorable discharge certificate for a separated naval officer is, therefore, a harsh and severe sanction and is, in fact, the treatment given officers who are dismissed after a general court-martial.”

The article, writen by Thomas Lipscomb, goes on to say,

With the only discharge document cited by Mr. Kerry issued in 1978, three years after the last date it should have been issued, the absence of a certificate from 1975 leaves only two possibilities. Either Mr. Kerry received an “other than honorable” certificate that has been removed in a review purging it from his records, or even worse, he received no certificate at all. In both cases there would have been a loss of all of Mr. Kerry’s medals and the suspension of all benefits of service.

Lipscomb’s done the digging and, absent an SF-180 from sKerry, may have the best information available about this gaping hole in sKerry’s resume. Just read it.