Election observations

Glenn Reynolds, has a new article up for the British paper, the Guardian. Worth a read. It’s linked in this post’s title, too.

Roger Morrow has this succinct observation:

“First President Bush was misunderestimated.

Now he has been unredefeated.”


William Dyer observes this election’s historic place in spreading democracy, here. (A cogent, on-target observation about one campaign in the War to Preserve Western Civilization 😉

Carol Platt Liebau shouts “O Happy Day!”

A Small Victory notes the reaction of some of her moonbat friends and aquaintances to this new day, here. Commenting, for example,

“I woke up to a very different world in which people I assumed were rational Democrats are spitting poison nails. I received some nasty emails and comments (since deleted) that were alarming in their venom and hatred. People I never had a harsh word with were suddenly knocking down my virtual door to leaving the equivalent of letter bombs. This did not frighten me so much as make me sad.”

And Polipundit lists six reasons he labels the election results a “mandate” for W and his party.

Hugh hewitt, posting in the early hours–about 3:45 CT—noted the contrast apparent at that time between Pete Coors’ concession and sKerry’s recalcitrance (sKerry has, of course finally conceded):

“Pete Coors is a gentleman. Trailing by less than 50,000 votes out of nearly 1.8 million and with 12% of Colorado’s precincts yet to be tallied, Pete nevertheless took a calm look at the numbers and called Ken Salazar to concede. Classy.”

Well, that’s enough for now. Go. Read.

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