Breathing easier, now?

Looks like a solid majority in the popular vote, so far, for President Bush. Solid gains in the House and Senate. Possibly as many as 320 ECV. Enough to compel a concession from Jean Fraud sKerry? Probably… not. Or at least not one he won’t (or can’t) flip-flop on…

We’ll see, won’t we? If the Mass Media Podpeople had shut up about their stupid (and almost invariably wrong—or at least misleading) exit polls, the gap would likely be larger. Maybe even large enough to have depressed the Left Coast Dems a little. Payback from the real world for the Florida panhandle depressed vote of 2000.

Oh. Well. Take what comes, come what may.

Anyone checking here: check and

For regularly updated maps showing ECV and breakdowns of the vote state-by-state.

Update: OK, the 320 may be over the top optimistic, but over 300 isn’t unrealistic, at this stage. 🙂

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