Take a Deep Breath

I’ve been reading a lot of the loony left’s moonbat “They stole this election, too!” posts on various boards. It’s time for folks to realize that the divide between the “two Americas” is along the lines of those who have at least a semi-firm grasp of reality (mostly middle and middle right, if you want to use a one-dimensional dipolar model) and those on the anything-left-of-center whose medication needs serious tweaking.

Speaking to the loony left moonbats, now: OK, moonbats, it’s time to take a deep breath. Calm down. Listen (or read, in this case–or maybe listen while someone reads to you) very carefully. I’m only going to say this once (unless I flip-flop on that decision, after too much sKerry over the last few months):

Nanny. Nanny. Boo. Boo.

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