Cultural Illiterates Rule Society

One small data point and I’ll rest my case: the Cheetos “chopsticks” commercial. The dumbasses are playing the thing wrong. No, not just a wee tad wrong, no, massively, hugely, inescapably wrong. They misss the frickin’ TIME SIGNATURE and add a really stupid, amusical duple that screws the thing beyond massively screwed up.

That the producers of the commercial could do such a thing is beyond cultural illiteracy all the way to cultural lobotomy.

Now, this guy goes beyond merely elaborate variations, but he does cite the tune correctly.

Bonus brownie points to those who can identify three or more of the composers or performers he gives homage to in the course of his variations. 🙂 (No, “Loonie Tunes” doesn’t qualify as a guess. *heh*)

Actually, TV commercials, political speech and anything uttered by Mass MEdia Podpeople, Academia Nut Fruitcakes and assorted members of the Loony Left Moonbat Brigade all qualify as evidence that José Ortega y Gasset was right. (I highly recommend reading “Revolt of the Masses” in its entirety. Just sayin’.)

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