Hot (No, Really!) Wings: Another Not-Quite-a-Recipe

Well, hotter wings. OK, didn’t turn out exactly as I wanted, but worth eating and refining. The one failing? The sauce was too thin. Fixable.


About 2/3 of a pound of chicken wings (from a full pound; 1/3 was reserved for my Wonder Woman’s raspberry barbecue sauced wings).
1/2 cup Frank’s Red Hot Wings Sauce
2 TBS “wild onion” olive oil*
2 TBS mixed peppers**
1 TSP Bhut Jolokia (“ghost pepper”) powder
3 cloves of minced garlic


Salted the wings (covered with sea salt) and let them sit in the fridge for 30 minutes or so, then rinsed. Marinated the wings most of the day. Then in a 350 degree Fahrenheit oven (preheated to 400, then backed off to 350 when the wings went in) in an uncovered dish for 40 minutes.

Next time, less oil, more garlic, some finely minced onion. And I think I’ll make more of the sauce, puree the garlic and onion into it in a blender and then reduce it a bit before marinating.

Still, very, very tasty. The Bhut Jolokia adds a nice punchup to the Frank’s cayenne pepper-based sauce and a little smokiness, almost chipotle flavor. Oh, heck, I might (propably will!) use more Bhut Jolokia next time as well. After all, I didn’t even get int Son&Heir’s kilogram bag of the stuff. *heh*

* EVOlive oil with wild onions infused
**white, black, green, various reds, some coriander, just some interesting flavors ground and lumped together, different almost every time I mix some

2 Replies to “Hot (No, Really!) Wings: Another Not-Quite-a-Recipe”

  1. Sounds tasty and healthier than the original with butter instead of EVOO. Shall have to try sometime when the temp outside doesn’t remind me of the inside of an oven. ๐Ÿ™‚

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