Burning Straw Men

This HuffPo post is typical of the least offensive arguments Obamaniacs* muster against reasonable questioning of the least transparent presidency since Richard M. Nixon’s. Heck, The Zero is less open than Tricky Dicky was.

“We fully plan on hearing from birthers about why his authentic certificate still raises doubt. Here are some of our predictions of what lingering questions they will have about the birth certificate.”

Then follows this graphic full of ridiculous straw man assertions of “objections” those the HuffPo target demographic labels “birthers” will have to the newly-released document:

Typically appallingly dishonest argument from a HuffPo Obamaniac.

And, of course, the expected “objections” have no relation whatsoever to the few questions I’d likeanswered about the document, and, also of course, the HuffPo post ignores all the other issues with The Zero’s legitimacy.

*Since these people have consistently engaged in dishonest labeling of skeptics as “birthers” and worse–accusations of racism whenever folks question The Zero abound–I don’t feel that the rather mild “Obamaniac” descriptive is unwarranted.

And Woody has the perfect response to such disingenuous “straw man” arguments as the HuffPo presents:


There. Didn’t see that one coming, did you HuffPo weenies?

2 Replies to “Burning Straw Men”

  1. As you’ve noted, there does not appear to be a seal, and “experts” are coming out of the woodwork claiming that parts of the document have obvious cut and pastes.

    I mean, what did they really have to lose? Those that love him will continue to do so even if irrefutable proof comes along, and those with an active mind will not. “HE RELEASED IT!” is all the Omamanoids are screaming about and Ma and Pa Kettle will believe them.

    1. Actually, Fits, I think even the original Ma & Pa Kettle would be too witting to be fooled by The Zero. Contemporary sheeple, on the other hand…

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