Now, This Is Ridiculous

I bought a gallon of milk the other day for $2.32. Sure, if was from disgruntled cows, but I don’t like the contented ones anyway. Coddling cows is just silly.

But this pic posted by a niece of ours is bindmoggling (yeh, I know I misspelled it that way. So sue me.):

OK, so it’s in Hawai’i, but it’s still ridiculous.

6 Replies to “Now, This Is Ridiculous”

    1. For some reason, Perri, my WP installation forgot that you’ve posted here before, so your comment was held for approval until I got back in. If you don’t mind, I’ll dele the dupe post.

    1. @Fits: WTF? Can’t milk loons?!?!? Then WTH good are they? [edit] BTW, Fits, I just figured why the tray is so filthy: this milk was all from a WOOT! Off Bag O’ Crap. It was delivered filthy and the exorbitant charge must be for the not-so-cleanup…


      Nicole: I dunno about that. Contented is one thing, drugged insensate is quite another… 😉

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