So, I Saw a T-Shirt. . .

. . .that I can’t quite get behind, IYKWIMAITTYD.

Nah. That’s WAY too friendly, and besides, feds aren’t my type. You know, human. I’m not into bestiality, ya know. (Ya can’t blame me for dehumanizing the feds, because they have done it to themselves.)

Now, This Is Ridiculous

I bought a gallon of milk the other day for $2.32. Sure, if was from disgruntled cows, but I don’t like the contented ones anyway. Coddling cows is just silly.

But this pic posted by a niece of ours is bindmoggling (yeh, I know I misspelled it that way. So sue me.):

OK, so it’s in Hawai’i, but it’s still ridiculous.