Ruminations on the Passing Scene

“Too much”=”just enough syrup for a plate of pancakes”. *heh* Juuuust about right, I’d say.

A world turned upside down: was pushing my 4-wheeled walker (with the insanely large basket attached) around WallyWorld the other day, looking at stuff and playing with customers and “associates”, when I happened to spot the price of a gallon of milk. Fifty cents less than a gallon of gas. WTF?!? Does Walmart get its milk from lactating Chinese slaves?

Another thing: MSRP (Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price). What’s this good for? Does anyone actually pay “MSRP” at the end user level? If so, I wanna meet these suckers, cos I have some great ocean front property in AZ they’d love. Example: a very nice 12″ frying pan we bought not long back for about $50 has a MSRP of $200–and I’ve seen it in stores all over for about $100. Who pays these outrageous prices? Beats me.

Well, my mechanic took my hint and bought the better replacement part for my dead fuel pump. Sure, it was a little more than twice as much, but it also included an end-to-end replacement of my fuel lines, a Very Good Thing on a car with almost 200,000 miles and a failed fuel pump, IMO. See? Save enough NOT paying MSRP when you don’t have to and have the $$ to maintain things right. *heh*

I can’t believe that someone–in a forum far, far removed from twc–had the timerity to ask the question, “Is Obama a Patriot”? I could only wonder what rock the loon had been living under after his lobotomy.

Hey, next time you’re at the grocery store or someplace like Target or WallyWorld and you see a parent(s) with a child in their cart, stop them with, “Well, that’s encouraging! It’s so nice to see folks with such confidence that they’d buy a child in today’s economy!” *heh* I get such looks… 😉

2 Replies to “Ruminations on the Passing Scene”

  1. Well, that’s encouraging! It’s so nice to see folks with such confidence that they’d buy a child in today’s economy!…

    I like to ask what isle they found that item, gets the same look.

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