About Those So-Called “Contributions to Civilization”

The Islamic world is credited with slightly more than a few contributions to civilization: algebra, so-called”Arabic” numerals, the sphericity of the Earth, etc.

Let’s take a look at these and then ask a more pertinent question. Algebra–invented by Muslims? Not. Stolen from Hindu mathematicians and used by Islamic “scholars” mostly for asstrology. Heck, not just stolen, crippled by the removal of the concept of negative numbers as being inconsistent with Islam.

“Arabic” numerals? Again, stolen from Hindus.

The sphericity of the Earth? Propounded by Pythagoras in the fifth century B.C. and, quite contrary to the myth passed around today, commonly accepted by scholars throughout the West from his day until now.

And so it goes with Muslim “contributions” to civilization. Heck, Averoes, the single “greatest” Muslim “scientist” had as his magnum opus not anything discovered by him but a commentary on… Aristotle (an “unbeliever”–well, he had to be, since he predated that mass murdering, savage con man, Mohamed, by centuries).

More, what has Islam “contributed” (read for “contributed” “stolen, hoarded and parceled out abstemiously at great price or had hornswaggled from the greedy grasp of barbaric Muslims”) since its first few hundred years of conquest and pillage?

Zip. Nothing that could not be found elsewhere first and better for not having passed through Muslim hands.

Of course, this is why Muslims feel the need to make exorbitant and unwarranted claims about Muslim “contributions” to civilization. They ave essentially made none, and deep, deep down justly feel inferior. Their entire world view is to blame, of course. Any world view that can revere the sayings of a mass murdering piece of dog vomit like Mohamed is a world view of savages.

But all this begs the question asked by Stanislaw Lec,

“Is it progress if a cannibal uses a knife and fork?”

Or, more applicable to today,

“Is it progress if a follower of the mass murderer, rapist, slaver, torturer and serial liar, Mohammed, steals the technology to build his own atomic bomb?”

5 Replies to “About Those So-Called “Contributions to Civilization””

  1. Just stopping by to say thanks for all the teckie info I’ve picked up over the years from you. It still comes off like another language, but at least some of it has come in useful; like WOT for example.

    Of course WOT was a product of Islam; but you already knew that, right? Lol.

    1. TF was referring to a browser plugin I touted him to privately after he had experienced a drive-by self-infection. WOT actually stands for “Web of Trust” and any google search for “wot” will turn up the appropriate plugin for your browser.

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