
Word from the White House–I suppose–via Robert Gibbs, The Zero’s mouthpiece,

“I think rational people have — have long ago, many when they first heard and saw the president, come to the conclusion of his citizenship.”

What’s not rational about asking The Zero to simply release his records like other politicians have? It’d cost him maybe $25 to, oh, perhaps $50 tops, to obtain a certified copy of his official birth certificate and then release it for public view. Less to release records of his college years, more than likely, by just sending his colleges permission to release records.

Instead, he and his minions have spent millions of dollars fighting to prevent release of his records. What in the world is rational about that?

Unless, of course, he has something devastating to hide.

UPDATE: on the fundamental irrationality of Gibbs’ argument, Nicole has this to say in comments:

What in hearing and seeing Obama would offer any proof that he was born in the US?

What proof indeed. The question is rhetorical, of course. Simply seeing and hearing a person is no proof of nationality or native birth. I have friends who sound like they might have been foreign-born and others who certainly look different to the great majority of Americans, but I wouldn’t adjudge them as foreigners based on appearance. OTOH, I know some Canadians who sound for all the world like North Dakotans an d look as “American” (whatever that means) as you or I.

Gibbs’ argument is not only irrational; it is stupid. And it seems no one at the presser called him on it. Is it any wonder I view the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind as completely unworthy of my attention save as a class to mock?

Oh, and that derogatory “birthers” term so bruited about by the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind? Simply a way of diverting attention from the real question: if there’s nothing to hide, why not release records at least as comprehensive as were demanded by that same Hivemind–and then lied about–of Bush II or even that his opponent in the 2008 election freely released? Why?

Rational people deserve a clear answer, not irrational derogation.

The Hivemind just cannot keep its narrative straight. Last week, Mike Evans said this:

Now, he says,

“Only this I can you tell you is 100 percent fact: that Neil never told me there was no birth certificate… I never talked to him.”

Is it any wonder that reasonable people have questions? Only the insane (or those who are highly invested in The Zero’s agenda) wouldn’t.

8 Replies to ““Birthers”?”

  1. I like that “rational people.” Don’t like the question? Simply define the questioner as “irrational.” Or in true Nancy Pelosi style, “not serious.”

    There will be a reckoning. The longer it’s delayed, the less likely it is to be pretty.

  2. Obama and his ilk and the liberal politics makes me literally ill these days. I try not to focus on it but you know David it keeps coming up like an ugly dog that won’t leave. UGH! Pffft to Obama, Pelosi, and their ilk!

  3. “many when they first heard and saw the president”

    And that right there is the problem. I don’t really think there is any there there to this issue, but people decide about all kinds of things based on “evidence” that is nothing of the sort.

    What in hearing and seeing Obama would offer any proof that he was born in the US? There are people that look like him in other countries and also people who talk like him. But golly, he sure does sound like an American – no accent or anything. And he doesn’t wear any funny looking clothes so he must be American.

    I really loathe the rest of the electorate.

    1. Yep, Nicole: Gibbs and his ilk apply the lowest, irrational standard they can to the question and then stupidly (because they don’t have to come up with anything smart to get the Hivemind to buy it or to gull the sheeple) and disingenuously simply say that rational questions are irrational.

      The electorate is dumber than a bag of hammers, which is one of the many reasons the Founders did NOT design a democracy but a republic with some democratic elements.

    1. Lynn, the Snopes article you cite mentions the COLB but makes no mention, of course–given the Mikelsons’ politics–that a COLB in Hawaii can be obtained w/o a birth certificate, simply by stating that a baby has been born. Period. It doesn’t say where exactly or provide any verifiable or corroborative information whatsoever. It’s not a birth certificate, period.

      I can get a certified copy of my own birth certificate with a $25 submission to the State where I was born. Heck, I already have one on file in the family safe, as does everyone who still resides here. Lovely Daughter got a certified duplicate of her own birth certificate just recently for submission to obtain a State certification in her profession. Not “certificates of live birth” or even hospital birth certificates: real, official, state-registered birth certificates that show where, exactly, the birth took place, signed and certified by the delivering physician and witnessed and officially stamped/sealed.

      What’s so hard to understand about that? A COLB has none of that verifiable, easily corroborated information, none of that certification.

      And The Zero has yet to authorize the release of such a verifiable, easily corroborated document.

      Snopes has some good information, but on this one, probably because of personal political leanings, it dropped the ball and simply did not tell the truth, which would require the whole story.

      If he has one, he could settle all questions by simply releasing a copy. Why has he not done so? Why have both he and his minions spent millions of dollars fighting legal actions seeking to compel him to release a real, actual birth certificate showing where he was born–which hospital, delivering physician, etc.? It’s a simple thing, and actually easier than slapping up a fake COLB on a web page. Cost of the document and postage, not millions.

      While I’d also like to know how he was able to attend Occidental on a scholarship for foreign students (and, like past presidential candidates, what he studied there and how his grades were), since he won’t release any of that information either, I suppose I’ll have to be satisfied with the partial records John Kerry finally pseudo-released long after the 2004 election and the overly-copious records released by Bush in 2000 and 2004 (excluding the fake “records” Dan Blather “certified” as “real” even after he knew they were fakes).

      All the jinking, jiving and flat-out lies being done around this by The Zero and his camp just stinks. All he has to do is be the transparent president he promised to be as a candidate. Though, since he never came through on his promise of transparency as a candidate, I don’t know why anyone is surprised at the lack of transparency he’s made institutional in his administration.

      Just saying.

      BTW, Mickelson’s laughable assertion that posting a fraudulent COLB could be easily checked against State records has been disproven time and again, as NO ONE has been able to obtain a check against Hawaii’ state records. Heck, not even the new governor of the State has been able to locate a copy. Without a release from Obama, or his heirs or assigns, even were one to exist, NO ONE can access it or make statements about it on the record. That was almost done last year, but the State employee that made some comments had to withdraw them.

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