Food Bard

The Songstress hosts this week’s Carnival of the Recipes

Yeh, I’m late getting a link up. *sigh* Couldn’t read the darn thing! Must be the Microsoft-friendly “collapsable outlines” thing.

Oh. well. It reads as an RSS feed just fine. Fine by me. Just the text, ma’am.

Great recipes, though and a great job plugging other folks’ blogs for content other than just this week’s recipes. Good on the Songstress! Too many recipes to mention, but I have to mention one. Really (well, besides my own absolutely fantastic Chicken Santa Fe. heh. Indeed–are you listening, Puppy Blender? Flattery! Flattery! Gee, you’d think the guy’d pay attention or something… 🙂

Oh, that’s right, THE recipe to mention:

Pineapple Spotted Dick with Toffee Sauce, over at Morning Coffee & Afternoon Tea. You really have to check that one out! No, I mean you have to. Really. Report back in comments for 10 points of your final grade in this course.



[Note: “heh” and “indeed” have been appropriated by The Puppy Blender as “signature expressions” even though I have been using them since before he was outa diapers [ed.—that was, of course, before The Puppy Blender was making the world unsafe for puppies]. Yielding to the tide, I am simply using them as often as possible, now, in hopes that The Puppy Blender will mistake such use for “the sincerest form of flattery” and commit the biggest boo-boo of his Bogospheric Career… give a nod to the gnat buzzing in his ear. heh. Indeed. ]

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