But did I read what it said? Noooooo, not I!

Donna’s Cell Phone question is number 5. Come on, folks! You can do better than that!

(h/t R’Cat @ Cathouse Chat)
Yeh, this is a “lazy man’s solution to a Saturday posting: re-post something from late, late last night…
But ya see, here’s the thing… I didn’t really read Donna’s post Over at Pajama Pundits. She didn’t ask “Where is my cell phone?” hoping that somehow her search for her cell phone will pull a number one Google ranking. No, she asked “Where is my cell phone?” hoping that somehow her search for her cell phone will pull a showing on the first page of a google search for “Where is my cell phone?
So, OK, she’s now number 5 for the question, “Where is my cell phone?
We can do better than that. Let’s give her the number one ranking for “Where is my cell phone?” so I don’t have to feel like such an idiot for having skimmed her post too quickly to have gotten it right in one, and y’all can think I’m just brilliant.
Yeh, yeh, I know it’s waaaayyyy too late for that one (and besides, I’m washing all this dirty laundry in public where y’all can smirk at the funny stains…)
I love being an idiot.
But at least maybe we can get her raised to a number one Google ranking for her question “Where is my cell phone?
Let’s see… I can post on three other blogs. Hmmm… maybe an email campaign to bloggers as well? Anyone have a good list? Instalaunche for “Where is my cell phone?” anyone?
Is The Puppy Blender even listening? Does he really care? Oh! The Humanity of it All!

Over at Pajama Pundits, Donna asks the question, “Where is my cell phone?” hoping that somehow her search for her cell phone will pull a number one Google ranking and she’ll finally be able to use Google to search for the thing every time she misplaces it.
I wonder if I can do that to get “Were are my keys?” to a number one Google ranking for my never-ending search for my keys which I swear I just put down right here! No, really!
Soooo… anyway, maybe we can all chip in and give Donna a hand keeping track of her cell phone, eh?

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