Ahh, Decompression!

A day of unscheduled time. After more than a bunch of 12+ hour days, just doing yard work and shoveling out one stall of the Augean Stable (my “office” so-called–more a junk room at present *sigh*) seems like a vacation.

Oh, catching up on “life as we know it” should fit in there somewhere, too.

Of course I’ll include a lil play time in the mix today. A start on a head-to-head between M$Office 2010 and OpenOffice on Lil Zark should make for some interesting play time.

6 Replies to “Ahh, Decompression!”

  1. Here it is after noon, and already I’m behind on my “relaxed” schedule. *heh*

    Micro-mini-update: Took my Wonder Woman for a drive in the country (and returned a computer I’d worked on for a family who lives out in the piney woods–thus making the pleasure jaunt both pay for itself and serve other purposes as well :-)), a trip to WallyWorld for beer and other essentials (cos it was just a wee trip outa the way back), and now some down time. A really laid back day…

  2. Who’s jealous of David? Me.
    I would that much unscheduled time. I told my boss I was in dire need of a day off work. He gave me tomorrow… to work from home. Oh well, it will be peaceful work, anyway.

    1. Well, a day off=no income, with my line of work, but the massive amounts of overtime recently (no, not at a premium on regular hours) what with no day less than 12 hours and mostly more, some unbilled, has left me with a couple of days that are mostly just catchup work on other projects, “honey-dos” and such like. Nice. I’ll be back on a “regular” schedule next week for a couple of weeks, then some massive summer projects will whomp me for another couple of weeks.

      Then again, moving my office to the basement is also on this summer’s agenda…

    1. @Woody: Well, and yard work and home improvement projects and… 😉

      Vacations are for wusses. *heh*

      Of course, here it is after 9 on Saturday and I’m not even dressed yet, so that certainly counts as a wussification of my day, eh? *heh* (And now you probably have to poke your eyes out from the mental imagery. :-))

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