Liar! Liar!

[UPDATED, AGAIN: Don Singleton has a good roundup of various comments about Jean Fraud sKerry’s disingenuous proclamation that he’s “signed it” (whatever the antecedent of that “it” may be… ) .  And thanks for the link, Don.
[UPDATE: ACCORDING TO A REPORT quoted on Michelle Malkin’s blog, sKerry has signed his SF-180:
 On Friday, May 20, Kerry obtained a copy of Form 180 and signed it. ”The next step is to send it to the Navy, which will happen in the next few days. The Navy will then send out the records,” e-mailed Wade [a Kerry staff worker]. Kerry first said he would sign Form 180 when pressed by Tim Russert during a Jan. 30 appearance on ”Meet the Press.”
How disingenuous is that?  For weeks people have been emailing and faxing and snailmailing him the form. And it’s been readily available even before then, without all that “help.”  And he finally “obtained” a form on May 20?
Tries to make it sound as though it were a major task to get his hands on one.  And as though he just managed to get his hands on one on May 20. His staff must be keeping his faxes, emails and snail mail away from him, cos he’s gotten enough of them to fill a weeks-long (real, old-time) filibuster just reading one after another of the copies he’s recieved aloud.
Now we’ll just have to see if he actually did sign it as he said. Note this little gem:
”I have signed it,” Kerry said. Then, he added that his staff was ”still going through it” and ”very, very shortly, you will have a chance to see it.”
Note the disinformation: he was asked when he’d signed the SF-180 and did not answer the question (“when”).  Then note that he simply said he’d signed “it”–leaving out what “it” he was referring to, since we all know that means he can go back later and assert “it” was something other than the SF-180, because he then says we will very shortly have a chance to see “it”–“it” what?  The SF-180?  We can see and read it already!  Not with his signature, of course…
Oh, and what is this about his staff ”still going through it”?  Surely he cannot mean the SF-180 he was asked about? The darned thing is only 3 pages long!  He must have a staff of illiterate cretins, if that is the “it” he signed.
Which “it” refers to the SF-180 and which “it” refers to his military records—if either one refers to either set of documents?
sKerry’s apparently not saying.
Oh, how I’d like to hear reports of a conflagration in his pants…
Children used to taunt people like Jean Fraud sKerry on the playground with “Liar, liar, pants on fire; nose as long as a telephone wire.” Yeh, I know.  So very oldtimer: obscure literary/cultural references to Pinochio and actual POTS service. And kids today don’t taunt liars.  They want to grow up to be just like ’em.
(I’m a day behind.  Monday was supposed to be my major curmudgeonly mode day. heh )
But back on point.  Jean Fraud sKerry maintains his standing as a world class liar, a standing he has held at least since his days lying before the Senate “back in the day.” Eh? You say?  What now?
Look at the “Jean Fraud sKerry’s a liar” counter toward the top of this blog.  Yeh, it doesn’t say it’s a “Jean Fraud sKerry’s a liar” counter, but it is. What it says today is:
“114 days ago, John Kerry promised, on national TV, to sign form SF-180 and release his military records. He has yet to do so.”
So, asserting that once again Jean Fraud sKerry has lied to the American public is a slam dunk.  A piece of cake.  A provable assertion.
What to do… what to do…
Well, apparently, sKerry has gotten tired of all the faxes he’s recieved and shut down the numbers I published here a couple of weeks ago, so mail and email may be our only way of contacting this *spit* *gag* politician to remind him to make good on ONE promise.
From Cao’s Blog, this helpful piece of information:
Kerry moved his email form to .
What do you wanna bet he’ll hide again, as soon as our emails reach him?  Just do it.  And pop on over to Cao’s Blog and join the Tuesday 180 blogburst, OK?
heh. Ya just have to appreciate Cao’s sense of humor:
“NOTE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and educational purposes only.”
On second thought… maybe that’s covering the bases… you never can tell what freedoms the politicians are going to insist are theirs and theirs alone.  You know, like political speech (which was once covered by the First Amendment.  The First Amendment now apparently only covers free “expression” that is obscene or anti-Christian or incites to violence).
Once again, that emailto for sKerry can be found (today, at least—until he runs and hides again) at

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