Coakley Concedes…

…but, just wait. I still say the Dhimmicrap liars, thieves and kleptocrats aren’t finished with this race. Sure, the Dhimmis will dodge seating Brown as long as they can and seek to “reconcile” the Obuma Healthscare & Enslavement Bill, but more, I still think the party of Christine Gregoire and Al Franken has some fraud up its sleeves. As soon as the “votes” can be manufactured…

Well, maybe the Dhimmicraps will save that for the coming Fall mid-term. Maybe, but it’s like the story of the scorpion and the frog. It’s just their nature.

2 Replies to “Coakley Concedes…”

    1. Well, they can still manufacture some more “votes” from illegal aliens and fictitious people–or just double down on “votes” already cast. I put nothing past them. Call up fellow demons from the pits of hell to do their dirty work? That’s next on the agenda, I’m sure… *grumble, grumble, gripe, complain*


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