Excessive Typos? I Plead Stupidity

I’ve never had a typing or “keyboarding” class. Back “in the olden days” guys just did NOT take typing classes, unless they wanted to be secretaries or some such (and most guys who had ambitions like that hid them pretty well *heh*), OR their girlfriend had ’em by the short and curlies and also had ’em enrolled in Home Ec.

OK, so that’s one: I type by the biblical method: seek and ye shall find. Over the last 20 years or so of computer use, I’ve managed to become pretty quick and accurate with that autodidact “methodology” although I do sometimes have to look at the keyboard.

Recently, that’s changed a bit because of my stupidity.

Almost twenty years using a keyboard but fifty or more using kitchen knives (and longer exposure to knives and other sharp implements–what boy didn’t carry a pocket knife in first grade? None I knew). But, still I got careless and am now–while my attempt to slice off my left index finger heals–I’m typing a finger short. Makes for a lot of edits, I can tell ya.

Now, I’m a pretty smart guy, as my IQ scores and grades (whenever i wasn’t bored to tears by teachers who were demonstrably less well-informed than I was–seriously. I was an arroganht lil snot as a student) and various accomplishments can testify. Not only that, but I can generally handle a chef’s knife about as well as Bobby Flay–after more than a few decades’ more experience with it than he. But smart, experienced people can do stupid things, and I certainly did.

So, while my left index finger heals, I’ll be using the middle finger on that hand for both middle and index finger tasks, but don’t think I’m giving y’all the finger just cos that’s the case, ‘K?

BTW, I’m just adding this to the total of “left side injuries”. *heh* The ONLY real injury I’ve suffered to any part of the right side of my body has been my right knee. All other major injuries (including the area of my brain most affected by a concussion from a skull fracture *heh*) have been left side injuries. If I could get a left side transplant, most of my aches and pains would disappear. 🙂

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