Tech Lust

N.B. Confession is said to be as good for the soul as it is bad for the reputation. Well, so be it. Here’s my confession of tech lust.

OK, I’m a technophile, but even at that I don’t often actually drool over a prospective techie toy. This hit my hot buttons, though:


“[T]he Eee PC Keyboard is a full-size input device that is likely based on the Atom chipset. Though it has a small 5-inch touch screen on the right, we suspect its role is more of a secondary display as this system is meant to be hooked up to external screens via the wireless HDMI or VGA port.”1

Well, that was last January. This is now:

“Engadget ‘has it on good authority’ that the world’s dominant Netbook purveyor will launch the product first shown in January at the trade show next month.

We know it will have a 5-inch touch screen embedded in the keyboard, an Atom processor, and, according to Engadget, a 32GB SSD, 802.11n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and both wired and wireless HDMI.”

I’ve been toying with the idea of a Netbook (probably Asus, since I like so many of its products), but really only for use “being there” with my Wonder Woman while she’s on her notebook, which is almost always in the other room (well, especially since there’s so little room in here, largely because of my massive collection of “techie junk” *sigh*). This could easily displace a Netbook for such use as that, especially for some really fun applications using a good-sized LCD screen–maybe even one of these Asus (only in prototype, so far) wireless LCD screens!–the HDMI wireless linkup and this lil keyboard/mini-touch-screen… Or, of course, simply use it with the lil touch screen as a standalone for minor computing use. It’s at least several times larger than what some folks manage to use with their iPhones, and with a full-size keyboard, well, I’d be a happy camper.

Asus wireless LCD demo’ed in March, ’09:


Oh, I just realized the reason for all my excessive salivation may have been the pistachios…

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