twc Hiatus

This week, I may take most of the week off from blogging. Adding helping some young folks get a house ready to move in is going to take some extra time, and because of the rains (“May showers bring May flowers”? It’s a twist on the old “April showers” thing… :-)), I’m also way behind on yardwork. Those two lil added pleasures (OK, the helping with drywall, etc., is a real pleasure) will mean that most of this week will be a “Write your own twc posts” via linkfests. So, no snark, no politics, no compy posts, no music or YouTube videos, no railing against the coming of the night for Western Civilization. *heh*

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10 Replies to “twc Hiatus”

  1. Pingback: Potbelly Stove
  2. Pingback: Right Truth
  3. Pingback: The Pink Flamingo
  4. Pingback: The Pink Flamingo

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