Not Intentionally Offensive

OK, so I had some time at lunch I didn’t plan on.

[Please note the subjunctive mood.]

Thinking on the differences between a society where Sharia “law” is paramount and a free society where offensive opinions can be openly uttered and even more offensive questions asked, one wonders what would be the reception in each of those societies to someone who would ask an outrageous question such as,

If one were to desire such a thing, how would one say, “Mohamed was the offspring of a diseased dog impregnated by a drunk pig” in Arabic?

Just wondering, that’s all.

Also wondering how long it will take before Janet Napolitano’s deliberately illiterate goon squad will be by to give me a lobotomy for asking such questions…

6 Replies to “Not Intentionally Offensive”

    1. *heh* DL. And thanks for the transliteration/translation. It’s an interesting proposition to consider, isn’t it, even if it does place me in danger of being singled out by Janet Napolitano’s Goon Squads…

  1. And at further risk, I just happen to know someone who was an Arabic linguist.

    “Not grammatically correct:

    Muhammed, hua ibin kelb marid hamila min khanzire sakran”

  2. I couldn’t let an opportunity to get a former linguist to brush up on her Arabic to go to waste. She was speaking it, and I was like “You gotta write that down.” LOL

    Remember, the most important part of the washing machine is the agitator. 😉

  3. In the movie, Enemy Mine, where individuals from two combatants from different worlds are forced to live together after crashing; the topic of what is acceptable to say about the other’s hard held beliefs comes up.

    Since the alien doesn’t have a handle on historical reference, he doesn’t realize that being called Mickey Mouse is an insult.

    Should we ever get to the point, here in the US, where PC becomes law as opposed to simply bad taste, at that point we have lost our right to free speech.

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