Why I Didn’t Answer Your Email

It was lost in a sewer backup, according to eWeek’s report on a Panda Security finding.

…according to a new study issued by researchers at AV specialists Panda, the astonishing amounts of spam and malware attacks that arrive at companies electronic doorsteps each day is shockingly over 90 percent.

Yes, that’s right, according to Panda’s survey of 430 million e-mail messages received by its customers during the last year, only 8.4 percent were legitimate.

So, while you may or may not have missed an email from me because of toxic sludge clogging your inbox, I imagine a lot of email is lost in this clutter, no matter how–or perhaps because–email server admins may labor to block SPAM. How much legitimate email is accidentally blocked by legitimate attempts to block spam we may never know. It’s part of the price we pay for not being civilized enough to track spammers down and burn them alive, sell their children into slavery and eradicate their names from the face of the earth. Instead, we all pay the price of our limp-wristed approach to this evil scum.

Oh. Well. You’ll never know if I missed your email because I filter my accounts through my hosting service’s spam blocker, or if I simply ignored it (surely not!)… or if my answer was filtered by YOUR spam filtration. *heh* All I know is that my inbox is now down to a few spam emails a week, where once I was receiving 1,000s. Since I don’t have the cojones to track spammers down, burn them alive, etc., I guess I will just have to live with that.

Trackposted to Nuke’s, Political Byline, Faultline USA, The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, Leaning Straight Up, and Democrat=Socialist, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

4 Replies to “Why I Didn’t Answer Your Email”

  1. For a while, spam decreased substantially. The reason wasn’t filters, it was because one of the primary server farms used to distribute it was taken down by government agents. This “crippled” the primary source of a lot of spam — by no means all of it — but most of it originating in the U.S.

    Spam is back on the rise now because like cockroaches or maybe more like bacteria, the spammers have evolved and found new distribution channels. What a waste of bandwidth spam has become.

  2. You know, I just remembered. It was sometime a couple of years ago, but I distinctly remember a businessman being upbraided by a judge in court. It seems that the court had issued a notice to his business to appear — via e-mail. The businessman claimed he never received the notice due to an overly aggressive spam filter. Sure enough, that’s what happened to the message — and the judge ordered him to remove the spam filter.

    Sometimes you just can’t win.

  3. OK, I can forgive you for not answering my email. But, you missed the opportunity of a lifetime.
    There was this nice fellow from Nigera who was going to let me help him makes boo-koo bucks, and I wanted to be sure you got the chance to get in on it too.
    Maybe next time.

  4. Perri,

    1. Judges like the one you refer too are a large part of government fostered anarcho-tyranny.
    2. I’m becoming more and more convinced that only some very public burnings at the stake featuring spammers will have any positive effect.

    Nuke, dude, what can I say? Call me on the next one. Ya have my area code, right? *heh*

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