The Fifth Labor of Hercules

–the Augean Stables. Hercules was a piker.

My office is worse. Again. If I seem absent for the next few days, maybe that’s the reason.


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15 Replies to “The Fifth Labor of Hercules”

  1. *heh* No, Perri, Hercules had it easy. The creek’s too low (both water and geography) to lift enough through here, and it’d play heck w/all the electronics, anyway.

    Didn’t end up getting much done in office today, in any case, since had to

    *round up parts for Son&Heir’s car
    *go buy, transport and do necessary furniture moves to fit in my Wonder Woman’s new livingroom chair (nice; almost wish she’d wanted a pair) and
    *make a place in our over-crowded kitchen for my new stock pots (needed some bigger beer brewing pots, for one thing)

    in addition to fielding tech calls.

    Maybe tonight? Yeh, that’s it. I’ll work on it tonight.

    (BTW–an aside–I finally caught wise on digital cameras/parts stores for absent cars. Son&Heir HAD to have his car for work today, couple of parts I needed to work on it tomorrow while he’s off _I_ know names/specs, but local parts store… notsoreliable… and Haynes/Chilton books stink in recent years, so couldn’t show ’em from them. Nice, well-defined pics of engine compartment with necessary parts circled avoided wrong parts being brought out multiple times and sent back as “No, the one for X model car, same as I wrote down for you.”

    Of curse course, I could have driven out of town for parts. Taken more time & would have generated an even better excuse for not getting diddly-squat done cleaning out my office today. Hmmmm… shoulda thought of that one.)

  2. Pingback: Adam's Blog
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  4. Hi David. I pray u had a wonderful time celebrating the birth of our Dear Saviour’s birth! Maybe if you asked Him for a little help taking care of ur office area? πŸ˜‰

  5. Rosemary,

    Sure, God parted the Red Sea for the Israelites, raised the dead and alla that, but we’re talking about a basic, fundamental, irrefutable, immutable law of the universe, here (“Stuff expands to fill all available space”). Surpassing that is another order of miracle entirely. I’m sure God could hack it, but it’d mean I’d have my first qual for Roman Catholic “sanctification”… *heh*

  6. Pingback: The Pink Flamingo

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