Eery Co-Inky-Dink

Or, maybe not so coincidental

Several times recently, I have comented in conversations with various and sudry folk about the recent Supreme Idiots’ decision essentially banning execution of criminals “aged between 15 and 17 years at the time they commit a capital crime”* and here I sit down after lunch and read John Hinderaker’s piece, “A Government of Men” in The Daily Standard echoing many of the sentiments I’ve voiced (although in a much more well-developed and literate voice).

Most of my conversational invective has been leveled at the court’s reading (and citing) of international (read “old Europe”) goat entrails in order to backstop their extra-Constitutional excess. When Hinderaker comments,

“With all due respect to the Court’s majority, there is simply no coherent rationale for counting the “enlightened” opinion of foreign governments as a factor in Constitutional jurisprudence.”

He hits the nail pretty squarely. I’d like to refer also to this lil quibble the Founders had against boy Geoerge:

“He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation.” (Declaration of Independence)

Hmmm… seems the Supreme Idiots are taking another page from boy geoege’s book, eh? (Of course, “constitution” in that context refers to “nature, character” and perhaps being ruled by fiat is no longer foreign to the American spirit… )

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