I think that word DOES mean what you think it means…

Isn’t it nice for The Chosen One to take time from his busy schedule to visit my humble blog? *heh*

Barack Obama | info@whiterabbitcult.com | whiterabbitcult.com | IP:

I really like what you had to say here! It\โ€™s about time! Would you mind if I placed a link back from my blog?

Can anyone say,


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21 Replies to “I think that word DOES mean what you think it means…”

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  3. Pingback: Conservative Cat
  4. Pingback: Mark My Words
  5. Pingback: Democrat=Socialist
  6. Pingback: Faultline USA
  7. Pingback: Conservative Cat
  8. Pingback: Democrat=Socialist
  9. Pingback: Democrat=Socialist
  10. Pingback: Democrat=Socialist
  11. Pingback: Democrat=Socialist
  12. Pingback: Right Truth
  13. Pingback: Conservative Cat

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