Obama: Teleprompter at Debate?

Just a quick Q: anyone making book on how Obama’ll do debating McCain without his blankie?

Perspiring minds wanna know don’t give a flip.

(Aside: I really don’t get the “Obama=great orator” meme. I’ve seen a couple of his “read the teleprompter” gigs and while standards for political speeches are in the toilet in general, how does merely–barely–competent equate with great oration? Is society so utterly debased that The Obamassiah’s oratory skillset truly passes for “great” nowadays? If so, we are doomed no matter what our economy is like or who is elected to public office, because we as a people have become too stupid for anything but our own collective Darwin Award.)

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Cao’s Blog, Allie is Wired, Democrat=Socialist, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

2 Replies to “Obama: Teleprompter at Debate?”

  1. I noticed on one newsclip I saw the other day that McCain was using a prompter of some kind. He kept glancing downwards when he was reciting something. Mind you, the old fella’s getting old, so I suppose we have to expect that 🙂

    On the bright side, he can probably spell and say nuclear properly!

  2. Yeh, “old fella’s getting old” is pretty much the theme of the Obama ad making hay from McCain’s disability that Biden thought was horrible until his massa snapped the whip.

    The point with Obama and his “blankie” is that even dull-eared, hollow-headed Mass Media Podpeople have notice how much worse he does without his teleprompter. Heck, if even they notice, perhaps enstupiated John and Jane Q. Public might also.

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