“Money, Money, Money… it’s a rich man’s world…”

Yeh, yeh. Well, it’s not “a rich man’s world” as far as I’m concerned. America’s Third World County has a different model of “rich” than the media, I’m sure, but even at that, very few of our “rich” have a disproportionate impact on our daily lives here*, which is why I’ve not posted much here about the Wall Street/banking brouhaha.

One thing I’ve been waiting for has finally peeped its head over the wall of silence, though. Michelle Malkin is flagging the elephant in the boardrooms: the impact of alien invaders on the banking bust of 08.

Regional reports across the country have decried the subprime meltdown’s impact on illegal immigrant “victims.” A July report showed that in seven of the 10 metro areas with the highest foreclosure rates, Hispanics represented at least one-third of the population; in two of those areas – Merced and Salinas-Monterey, Calif. – Hispanics comprised half the population. The amnesty-promoting National Council of La Raza and its Development Fund have received millions in federal funds to “counsel” their constituents on obtaining mortgages with little to no money down; the group almost succeeded in attaching a $10 million earmark for itself in one of the housing bills past this spring.

For the last five years, I’ve reported on the rapidly expanding illegal alien home loan racket. The top banks clamoring for their handouts as their profits plummet, led by Wachovia and Bank of America, launched aggressive campaigns to woo illegal alien homebuyers.

(See the article for links embedded in it.)

Yep. On top of the billions upon billions of dollars siphoned off our economy in remittance money sent back to Mexico, the impact on health and education services of 20million alien invaders, the resurgence of diseases once virtually eliminated in the U.S. and a alien invader crime wave that annually surpasses in deaths the cumulative totals of servicemen killed in both Iraq and Afganistan from all causes, we have alien invaders defaulting on subprime loans.

And these loan defaults are the fault of politicians and bureaucrats of both parties dragging their heels over (or engaging in deliberate sabotage of) enforcement of already existing immigration law, compelling loans to subprime markets–including illegal aliens–and failing to oversee the quasi-governmental bodies the politicians are responsible for creating.

To his (very minimal) credit, McCain did at least push for stronger oversight of Fannie and Freddie, though he has done nothing to stem the tide of alien invaders. The Obamassiah, of course, was too busy accepting “pocket lining” from Freddie and Fannie lobbyists to look into what those organs were doing up his posterior.

So, just remember when The One attacks his opponents on the economy, he is the number two piggie at the trough sucking up money from the slop that started the cascade of failures on Wall Street.

But neither candidate–The Obamassiah or Juan Mexicain–have clean hands on the alien invader issue, although Juan has lately come around to admitting we need serious border/immigration enforcement before we can even consider any other steps to address the alien invader problems.

I just hope it’s more than electioneering bushwah.

*There is one family that does still exercise disproportionate power in the county, because they own a small telco that serves several communities comprising a majority of the population. Fortunately, cable providers and cell phone use are cutting their influence down to size.

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Cao’s Blog, Democrat=Socialist, Dumb Ox Daily News, and The World According to Carl, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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