Biden Gaffes Cribbed from Fox

Yeh, yeh: I stole the list from Fox News–stole it, I tell you! (Cos I don’t feel like following Bobblehead Joe around to collect ’em myself, that’s why.)

While everyspore and its maiden aunt in the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind has been spending millions of man uh, person, um, spore hours spinning stories about how dumb that Northern lights redneck chick on the Repug ticket is, Bobblehead Joe has been gong about his business of providing innumerable humorous-were-he-not-a-major-party-veep-candidate schtiks for the public’s amusement:

And he runs the gamut of every kind of gaffe from “Stand up, Chuck” to a guy in a wheelchair to citing to another bobblehead (Katie the Couric-Couric bird) President Franklin Roosevelt’s television speech after the stock market crash of 1929 (when there was no broadcast TV and Roosevelt was still Governor of NY). In between he managed to

*Condemn the Obama ad ridiculing McCain’s computer use (a direct slap at his prison torture wounds)… until slapped down by Obama and gigged to say making fun of McCain’s disabilities is hunky dory.

*Proclaim on video, “We’re not supporting any coal here in America,” and “No coal plants here in America,” before–again–being slapped down by his field boss (right before The One turned around and lied about the McCain ad that accurately portrayed Biden’s statements).

*Admitted that he is a poorer choice than Hillary would have been (still not contradicted by The Obamassiah, who is probably convinced of that truth)

*Forgotten about a certain Tea Party and pushed the idea that paying more taxes is a patriotic duty

But wait! There’s more!

*Renamed The One, “Barack America” (Maybe something’s in the works we don’t know about, though)

*Proved his Defense creds when he demonstrated a complete lack of knowlege of military structure (Hint, Joe: a battalion is not a brigade.

And of course, there’re still more, but I’m bored now. What exactly qualiies Biden to be a heartbeat away from the presidency of a (maybe) ex-smoker like The Obamassiah? Mr. Plagiarism’s original thought processes? His long record of being wrong on every single foreign policy issue of the past 30 years or so? His ability to be comic relief for the serious Marxist?

Ummm, yep. I think that sums it up. Qualified to be the brunt of every late-night comedian’s jokes, and that’s about all Joe Bobblehead is qualified for.

*feh* I know six people in my lil one-horse town who’re better qualified than Biden. And all of them are better qualified than Obama as well.

Buh-bye, Joe!

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