Climactic Change Voodoo

How deeply deceptive are the MMPs about climate change?

Russel Seitz argues that we are not getting the straight dope from the MMPA [duh]. But he does so so very intelligently that you may be sure that you’ll not hear about it from any of the branches of the mass media Podpeople’s Army. Nope, not on ABCCBSNBCCNNFOX. Nor on so-called “public” tv or Discovery or darned near any newspaper or magazine.

That’s probably in large part because the study of climate change is simply too complex for a sound bite or headline.

Read his essay, A War Against Fire. You can do it, you’re not only smarter than the MMPA thinks you are, you’re smarter than they are (and you can bet less than 1% of the MMPA can or will read Seitz’ essay).

(This is one of the really Good Weeks on Jerry Pournelle’s site.

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