Bill’s a sick, sick megalomaniac… or is he?

…in which graphologists are revealed as dumb-as-doornail, low-rent b.s. artists

Flapdoodle in the last few days about Tony Blair’s “doodles” at the Davros meeting. British MMPs (and they call themselves “journalists”—yeh, of somewhere near Dan Blather quality, it seems) got ahold of some doodles that were purportedly those of Tony Blair at the World Economic Summit at Davos, Switzerland. The promptly went out hunting some “graphologists” they could coax away from their tea leaves and crystals long enough to “analyze” the doodles and discover that Blair was a meglamaniac under great stress and probably very ill physically to boot.

Good going guys. The doodles were Bill Gates’ doodlings.


h.t., another one of the alert folks (Tracy) at Jerry Pournelle’s site.

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