What to do about the “War on drugs”?

Or, “If I Were Emperor” *heh*

“From the US we can see that strict laws on personal possession don’t work… “

Were I Emperor for a Week, among the silly (stupid and downright evil–in effect if not intent) things I’d repeal would be ALL laws regulating what adults could put into their bodies… along with implementing stringent punishments for harm done to others because stupid, irresponsible adults put things they ought not into their bodies and ended up doing harmful things as a result. Drunk drivers cause a wreck? Lose all their worldly goods–no dunning the insurance past a minimal amount–become the slaves of those they harmed until their monetary assessment’s paid off, then set free or executed–those who killed someone because of their drunkeness–by dropping their own wrecked car on them… until dead. (NOT “cruel and unusual”–see the numbers of people killed by drunk drivers per year by essentially “dropping” a car on ’em. Definitely “usual” and certainly not particularly “cruel” otherwise, why would so many drunks feel it’s perfectly fine to drive a couple of tons of metal into another human at 65mph?) In public. With pre-emptive natiowide broadcasts of the executions on all available channels, including The Cartoon Network. (Never too young to learn that being drunk is stupid.)

No prison for possession or use of any drug. Only for doing things that harm others directly.

Oh, and what to do with all that $$ saved by ending the “War on drugs”? Provide all the lotus eaters all the drugs they want for free in hopes that Darwin will cleanse the gene pool. No other benefits (no food stamps, unemployment, health care), just all the drugs that druggies want, free. After all, the only cure for stupidity is reality.

Gee, as long as I were Emperor for a Week,

–chain gangs for career politicians, educrats, Mass Media Podpeople, Hollyweirdites, Academia Nut Fruitcakes and Prisons for Kids (AKA, “public schools”) administrators.

–abolish the IRS (and add its minions to the aforesaid chain gangs)

–set up a “Greenie Preserve” where Algore and his idiot followers can be one with nature. No electricity, no modern drugs or preserved foods, no modern sanitation, just greenies, nature and… all the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth they want

Well, a guy can dream, can’t he?

Next? Well, with the stupid “War on drugs” out of the way, maybe the DEA can focus on something else, like, I dunno, persecuting, urm, prosecuting a “War on feddle gummint anarcho-tyranny” starting with the TSA, BATF and… Congress?


Trackposted to Faultline USA, The World According to Carl, Shadowscope, The Pink Flamingo, , Leaning Straight Up, Dumb Ox Daily News, Democrat=Socialist, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

3 Replies to “What to do about the “War on drugs”?”

  1. I really do wonder just how much money has gone down the drain because of stupid laws like the ‘war on drugs’.

    Another one incidentally, since we’re talking about ‘wars on …’ – the war in iraq and afghanistan. Let’s be honest, it has a lot to do with oil (at least Iraq does). So I read somewhere the other day that upwards of $800Bn has been spent there already – wouldn’t $800Bn have found a way to power engines with water, and thus negate our need for oil, thus rendering the middle east completely powerless?

  2. Rich, I don’t often find myself in substantive disagreement with you, but if the adventure in Iraq were truly about oil, then Iraqi oil would be flowing at a pace to make Saudi barrel-thumping irrelevant.

    Nope, I happen to believe that the Bush administration bought its own silly pipe dream about instituting democracy in the Middle East. [addendum: democracy for the M.E. when we ought to be concerned about the mess over-democritization has made of the Founders’ republic here at home. How silly.] And based on the stupidly disasterous Bremmer’s appointment and then mismanagement alone, I think I can make that argument stick.

    But yes, for a mere fraction of the treasure poured forth into Mesopotamia’s sands (the like of which beggars Britain’s excuses for screwwing the place up by the numbers with Lawrence’s stupid “solution”) we could have had

    –200 or more pebble bed reactors (eliminating ENTIRELY all petroleum-based electricity generation and installing the power generation infrastructure for future battery-powered transportation) PBRs are remarkably inexpensive, safer than anything else save hydropower, and literally off-the-shelf technology

    –a TDP plant in nearly every lil burg in the USA manufacturing oil from sewage!

    –at least one solar-power-from-space demo

    –and much, much more.

    A small FRACTION of those now lost treasures, and nowhere near the amount of blood spilt.

    BUT. The Petraeus plan is working. Would that it (and more–as I suggested with my “partitioning” plan several years ago) it had been done earlier, w/o the Bremmer assininity, but it does offer the prospect of leaving Iraq with

    –Al Qaeda in shambles, defeated more than less (much)

    –a stable regime with a balkance of powers between the barbarian Muslims and the Kurds (who are largely syncretic faux-“Sunnis” and thus despised by both the Shiites and Sunnis of Iraq alike).

    –eventually, a semi-friendly source of oil, if we should cotinue to need foreign oil at all (and we should not–more than a sufficiency within US borders, if assinine greenies can be kept at bay)

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