Post title cryptic enough for ya? 😉 I’ll be out of town, out of state and mostly out of pocket for the next few days, so play nicely while I’m gone. (Yeh, I’ll have some sort of internet connection, but likely not the time to blog.)

Meanwhile, from Issue 1 of an abortive start at issues facing the U.S. (the series will continue–later), a tip from The Beagle Scout to add to Newt Gingrich’s Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less campaign at Americansolutions.com:

Those who haven’t yet done it and who care at all about US gas and energy prices may want to sign an electronic petition urging the US House of Representatives to pass H.R. 3089, the No More Excuses Energy Act of 2007. Here is the petition.

Read The Beagle Scout’s post and consider clicking on through the links he provides.

The unborn will bless you. And you might just help yourself out a bunch, too.

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25 Replies to “OOT/OOS/OOP”

  1. Pingback: Right Truth
  2. Thanks for the link. It is actually to a post about a different petition. So I have made a link in honor of your link to me. That’s where you go to sign the American Solutions petition, currently at 1.2 million signatures and counting.


    Now I still think that a personal letter to your representative will be more effective than any number of petiotions. That’s why I included the letter I wrote to my representative so concerned citizens can pattern their letters after it.

  3. Pingback: walls of the city
  4. Pingback: Beagle Scout
  5. Yep. Saw that, Beagle. S’why I said “to add to” and quoted your mention of H.R. 3089 which has a similar thrust to Gingrich’s proposals.

    Good to mention both, IMO.

  6. Pingback: Adam's Blog
  7. Pingback: Adam's Blog
  8. Pingback: Conservative Cat

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