Dodging a bullet, twc style

Once again, strong and long Spring rains have offered a look at a new high water mark here at twc central. The small, usually dry, creek that is a tributary to another creek that offers tribute to a small river much further downstream approached our back door closer than at any other time since we moved here, prompting

13 Water “Names”

1. Creek

2. Stream

3. Cascade

4. Rain

5. Lake

6. Sea

7. Ocean

8. Swamp (what I dearly hope our basement will NOT become :-))

9. Fountain

10. Freshet

11. Spring

12. Flood

And how can one neglect

13. Dihydrogen monoxide, of course. *heh*

The dread “dihydrogen monoxide” has abated a bit, the rain stopped (for now) and things may well be on their way back to normal here at twc central. I hope. 🙂

Tacked up over at the Thursday Thirteen Hub.