“Snow” Day Again

Late start today. Not that the whole county shut down, but since my Wonder Woman had a “snow” day, I’ve kept things close in and we’ve worked on a little advance Spring Cleaning. I’ve been in storage areas of my office that haven’t seen the light of day for years. Two whole drawersfull of stuff I simply dumped in a box for later sorting (and yes, I will do that!) and labeled, “Junk from 2 drawers”–*heh*

Once whole LARGE file cabinet drawerfull of ancient floppies. Need to sort through them all, archive (and enter into database that’s stored in the same place!) all the data I should/want to keep and burn to multiple CDRs or a couple of (duplicate) DVDs for archiving, then format or toss (or even archive, sorted and labeled) the floppies in a more easily accessible fashion.

To give you an idea: I have 3.5″ and 5.25″ floppies going back through all the DOSes to about DOS 3, back further to TRSDOS floppies–and even some Mac software/archives.

That stuff really needed sorting out!

(My paper files were mostly sorted some weeks ago.)

Then, there’s the “surface” storage… shelves and such like. Most of the old music, language, history, etc., books have already been boxed (and labeled and etc.), but there’re still five very, very full shelves of books n such that need sorting out.

Then, of course, I need to clean and sort out the bookshelves in the living room for refiling with previously boxed books…

This Spring cleaning thing is pretty heavy stuff (book boxes, get it? :-))!

Oh, well, at least I had some “deck beer” to lighten the load. (“Deck beer”–over-sugared some beer for bottle conditioning. Temnps outside have been mostly below freezing for a while… so, placed a bunch of bottles of this beer outside for conditioning after only 3 days. It’s all turned out very, very good. Whatta save!)

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10 Replies to ““Snow” Day Again”

  1. Pingback: Big Dogs Weblog
  2. Wow. DOS 3? How old are you, man? *lol* Are you sure those 5 1/4 have anything on them that can be updated to today’s programming? Hmm. With all the upgrades, I don’t know if the languages will understand each other. And they’re doing us a favor by upgrading? *sigh*

  3. Rosemary,

    Nah, no useful programs on the old 5.25″ disks, but some of the archived data is still slightly interesting (of course, some old Visicalc stuff is just for the memories, since I’ll likely never have another “Trash 80” to actually run Visicalc with… and yes, I think I saw the program disks for that too *heh*). Funny thing: I kept all the documentation on DOS 4 just for sneers (it was hands down the crappiest “upgrade” yet, IMO ;-)), all in nice, slipcovered binders. Those were the days… real documentation.

  4. Pingback: Adam's Blog
  5. I bet there are a number of people in the eBay community that would love all of those old discs and everything. What’s sort of funny to think about is in probably 10 years or less people will be doing spring cleaning (in February?) and say, “Man. I just found a box of old flash drives. 2 Gigs of space on that big hunky thing! How did I ever survive!”

    Good luck with the cleaning and with the beer. As you can tell from my website name I’m a big fan of the brews.

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