AWOL *cough*

I am not here; this is not me, no matter what you think you see: I am not here, this is not me.

(Yep, twc is pretty much non compos mentis today… until y’all get those pointers to good reading coming in, that is. :-))

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32 Replies to “AWOL *cough*”

  1. Pingback: Planck's Constant
  2. RE: “non compos mentis today”

    Damn, just plain damn, kinda sounds like my favorite JUNIOR U.S. Senator — Jim DeMint’ed”.

    I AGREE with ’bout 90% of what Jim DeMint has done/said. [Yes, we have touched skin– in a manly way — (a hand shake for readers who may wonder.)]

    ALAS, he has just endorsed the marmot cultist!

    Whut cha think?

    Would “love” comments frum all yo readers — “Yea, Neh, Don’tGive a Damn” —


    [Urm, “marmot cultist”? I’m in Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind avoidance mode right now, so I may have missed it. DeMint endorsed who? ;-)–twc]

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  8. Pingback: Mark My Words
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