Talk about talk

Here’s a slightly redacted re-run from a third world county post from August ’05 that I was reminded of as the result of a recent email exchange. From simply remarking on my then non-existant comment policy, I rabbit trailed off into the ether… or did I?

[When commenting] …try to either make sense or be completely (and humorously) nonsensical when you do. I don’t have a formal comment policy. [Well, I do now–see the left sidebar.] I don’t care one single solitary bit what “kind” of language you use. But anything that presents itself as a serious comment but is riddled with fallacies (_1_, _2_, _3_) will be subject to mocking deconstruction (if I have time and feel like expending the effort), deleted as too assinine for public exposure or left as the commenter’s own self-parody—the deciding factor: my personal whim.

Many people exercise common sense when formulating their comments. I can appreciate that. Some exercise their sense of humor, and I can appreciate that, usually no matter how weird their sense of humor* may be. Others, and they are few indeed, actually learned in school or elsewhere how to make clear, reasoned arguments. Rare, and greatly appreciated. People I stand to learn much from.

But some just have no business even having an opinion, because they are both too ill-informed and are idiots (usually, as I have said elsewhere, self-made idiots), unable to recognize the value (or even the existence) of arguments from facts or reason, taking their preconceptual biases as fact and building a “reality-based” fantasyland of idiotarian unreason on that shaky foundation.

Here’s a scary thought: Exposure to such could almost move one to accept Margaret Sanger’s arguments for eugenics. As Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, “Three generations of imbeciles is enough.” In light of the current trend among liberalists [and most so-called “conservative” presidential candidates *sigh*], Holmes’ comment begins to have a certain appeal…

But, no. Better to remove much of the shielding preventing a Darwinist microevolution of the race… Get the “gummint” outa the cradle-to-grave protection racket. Starve the academicians. Feed the (NON-POLITICAL) scientists. Make artists—all of ‘em—either live or die in the marketplace (no more NEA subsidies). Castrate lawyers making their living off liability suits. No, really: castrate. A lower testosterone level will help. Let folks take responsibility for their own stupidities. Remove the heads of politicians who come up with “great society” ideas that ruin families, destroy communities and enhance their own political power. Yes, their heads. They’ve not been using them for any good anyway.

It’s a big job, but these small steps toward re-introducing the idea of personal responsibility [would be a good start]. And that would put paid to the Frank Roaches, Dan Blathers, Nancy Pelosis, Teddy Kennedys, Jean Fraud sKerrys and all their ilk.

That it would eliminate many on the quasi-faux-conservative side of the coin as well would be a nice lil side benefit.

*Do note: humor is not always funny. Some of the most humorous of pieces can be dark, broody, macabre.

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32 Replies to “Talk about talk”

  1. Pingback: The Amboy Times
  2. Pingback: Right Truth
  3. Even though I don’t often agree with your politics, I usually find myself amusedly agreeing with your point. Just last night I was musing over something quite similar and thanking God that my parents had never discussed politics with me or around me when I was growing up; therefore I have the benefit of having formed my own opinions and views all on my own, while I find many of my friends’ views are carbon copies of their parents and when questioned as to why they believe something, they cannot explain it. Worse, as they are now in their 30’s, they have now transfered this lack of original thought onto the talking heads of their family’s political party and simply recite the rhetoric whether it is true or not and when presented with conflicting truth simply refuse to accept it.

    I am thankful that my parents and many of my teachers encouraged me to challenge my own views and beliefs and research and approach everything from multiple angles, so I know that when I come to my opinion, it is *my* opinion, *my* belief and usually I can explain why.

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