Call me crazy, but…

As the old dialogue goes,

“I talk with the voices in my head.”

“Yeh? What do they say?”

“They say I’m crazy? Me?!? Crazy?!? They’re the ones in! my! head!


I may be crazy, though, and if so, this may be why:

Brain imaging study find sleep loss leads to mental disorders

Harvard University Medical School and University of California-Berkeley researchers have explained through their study that sleep deprivation leads to irrational behavior, what is associated with psychiatric (mental) disorders.

According to the researchers, the emotional center of the brain—located in the amygdala (within the medial temporal lobes)—may stop its function (to deal with emotional reactions and feelings, such as aggression and fear) when a person is severely sleep deprived. When this happens, people find it much more difficult to control their emotions.

Yeh, well, this is just dotting the “is” and crossing the “ts” in what real world p-sychs have known for a very, very long time: sleep deprivation can literally drive folks around the bend–or at least cause folks to evidence all the signs of serious mental disorders, such as auditory and visual hallucinations, etc.

But this doesn’t explain how well-rested Loony Left Moonbats, Academia Nut Fruitcakes, politicians *spit* and Mass Media Podpeople come up with their wacked out worldviews… That’s going to require exploration much deeper into the thicket of human insanity.

Anyway, I need a nap. Continually.


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