Just the Thing Your Paranoid Friends

Think ahead to Christmas. Here’s just the thing to lay on your paranoid friend(s): The Super Trackstick.


…the perfect tool for individuals, law enforcement and government agencies looking for a way to track anything that moves. The Super Trackstick records its own location, time, date, speed, heading, altitude and temperature at preset intervals. With over 4Mb of memory, it can store months of travel information.

The included magnetic mount makes the Super Trackstick easy to attach and remove from any metal surface.

Better yet, just get one, stick it to their car and show ’em maps from GoogleEarth of where (and when) they went yesterday… last week… Tell ’em you just got it off GoogleEarth.


Trackposted to The Random Yak, and The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

4 Replies to “Just the Thing Your Paranoid Friends”

  1. Hilarious. The possibilities are endless – particularly for those of us who remain private individuals (because our behavior doesn’t implicate “government action” – but we can sure make it look that way).

    Where do I get me one of these…

  2. Yeh, if I weren’t such a tightwad, I know exactly who I’d “give” one of these to. *heh* Drive the already nutso even further around the bend…

    But the darned thing’s $100 more than the ScanGuageII I want to add to my Saturn… Decisions, decisions: endless entertainment or OBDII data at my fingertips (and digital readouts on RPMs, fuel consumption, speed, trip data, etc.). I’m not gonna do both. Too cheap.

    Difficult. The potential entertainment value of the Super Trackstick is appealing…


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