Losers in France don’t understand the democratic process… or more likely do understand and just don’t care for it when a soi disant “conservative” wins an election… (BTW, women voters strongly rejected a woman candidate for president there. So much for so-called “gender politics”.)
BTW, what do ya wanna bet that “youths from the projects” mentioned in the story inked above is a euphemism for Islamic savages?
Thanks to enviro weenies stonewalling all new refinery builds for the last 40 years or so–and other enviro weenie crapola–“Gas Prices Surge to Record U.S. Average of $3.07 Per Gallon”. In a world where even a soupçon of rational behavior were a part of public policy, we’d be awash in plentiful, relatively inexpensive oil and refined oil products, our electricity would be largely–if not almost entirely–produced by safe, clean nuclear energy and the Middle Eastern oil producing states would be satrapies of civilized Western countries. Islamic terrorism funded by oil money? Wouldn’t exist. Oh, well. As James Burnham so famously said,
“Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for Western civilization as it commits suicide.â€Â
Fred puts his thumb squarely in the eye of a GAO report that says America’s decline in students studying the sciences (no, no poly-sci, p-sych or sosh–the real sciences) can be remedied by outreach to “minorities”–
In gummint talk, “minorities†doesn’t mean minorities, like Anglo-Saxons, Greeks, Jews, men, or Chinese. No. These latter cannot be minorities because they do not have a solidly established record of incapacity. They haven’t made their bones by nonfeasance. (Since they aren’t minorities, logically they must all be majorities, or at least half the population each, which must play hell with population figures.)…
…Actually, I kind of like this outreach stuff. I propose that the NBA improve its talent pool by reaching out to one-legged dwarves with a weight problem. I’m serious. These constitute an untapped repository of athleticism. Clearly untapped, since there is not one overweight dwarf in the entire league…
*heh* Sic ’em, Fred.
“Free Trade’s Great, but Offshoring Rattles Me”. No, really? Whyever for? TANSTAAFL, dude, TANSTAAFL.
On to the wisdom of Islam, this time from that font of Islamic religious jurisprudence, the Ayatollah Khomeini (remember him?) on the *cough* proper way for a man to have sex with an animal…
“A man can have sex with sheep, cows and camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village; however, selling the meat to the next door village should be fine.”
There ya go, folks! Maybe that lil passage can be included in sex education in the proposed combo public school/madrassa in Brooklyn, if only the “good intentioned” (yeh, scare quotes, folks) leftists can get that worthy project back on track… (h.t. Angel of Woman Honor Thyself). After all, it’d be the multi-culti thing to do, wouldn’t it?
More Republican’t “me-too-ism”–Trent Lott sets his own deadline.
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Nice “rant”, good points all. I feel the same way about those “yoots” protesting in france ( little f until they prove worthy). (My Cousin Vinny, “yoots”, loved the way that movie ended in court with the girl friend expert witness.)
Dag-nab-it, Davido,
We (all both of us) know where we be. The “continued” use of this tree “listing” to starboard totally ignors that for anyone looking at the tree from “the *other* side” — it be “listing” to *PORT*! 😉