Apparently the going-outa-business prices at ComUSA for Vista are attractive to some:
Vista Home Basic Upgrade just $59.99 instead of $99.99
Vista Home Premium Upgrade just $99.99 instead of $159.99
Vista Business Upgrade just $119.98 instead of $199.98
Vista Home Premium (full version) just $143.99 instead of $239.99
The article linked above asks, “What would you pay for Vista?”
My answer, about $3.00. After all, I do live in America’s Third World County…
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As a PCBSD user I’d have to say that $3.00 is $3.00 too much.
“na -eh?”–If you’ve read my “Compgeeky” posts, you’re probably aware I’m a fan of PC-BSD too. Reviewing different OSes from (trying to adopt) the perspective of a Bubba Joe or Aunt Tilly user, I’ve found (in no particular order) PC-BSD, Freespire, Ubuntu (personally preferring Xubuntu) and Puppy Linux to be pretty darned “naif friendly” while at the same time allowing power users to do darned near anything they want.
Still, Windows has a place here at twc for a number of reasons/uses that don’t appear to be abating any time soon, not the least of which is maintaining familiarity with the OS masochists love to hate so I can provide ready support to clients. For that usage, I’d say $3 is about my price point.
This weekend, I intend to set up another box to play with the new Debian 4 release. Should be fun.