Miss America 1944: Armed and Dangerous… and rightly so.
Kudos, well deserved (ALL 122 Boy Scout Merit badges? WTG!).
“I am jogging outside in 40 degree freezing cold.”–Envirowhacko Laurie David demonstrating that she doesn’t know the meaning of “freezing cold” or how to use tenses in English–no wonder she’s a member of the irrational cult of AGW. In the same article, not to be outdone in the search for whacko pronouncements, Sheryl Crow opines, “I think we are an industrious enough people that we can make it work with only one square per restroom visit…”
You can’t make this stuff up.
Leftards: ardent believers that the Fourteenth Amendment means the feds can meddle in anything they want… except when federal law means actually protecting the citizens from invasion.
Finally” something from the Left Coast that isn’t a Hivemind concept: girl doesn’t get to be prom king. Gee, you’d have thought someone, somewhere down the line, would have told her, “Honey, you can’t pass the physical.”
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