Oh, that other Celtic saint…

In March, I usually observe Saint David’s Day (March 1) and perhaps two other Celtic saints’ days (Lily, David’s protégé and Non, David’s mother), but I generally avoid the often rowdy–or even bawdy–observances that do not honor the patron saint of Ireland so much as serve as excuses for behavior best left un-acted-out…


So, call me a wet blanket. I don’t care. Most of the folks partying down in dishonor of Patrick probably also subliterately mis-pronounce “Celtic” with a soft “c” instead of properly as “Keltic” (cos the word itself likely isn’t of “Celtic” origin but Greek, “keltoi” *heh*). Truth be known, folks using the soft “c” are simply aping the rude, subliterate French who imported the word (badly) into their tongue as “celtique”–and so imposed the poor French soft “c” sound upon it.

A pox on them all, I say.

Trackposted to The Virtuous Republic, Right Celebrity, Woman Honor Thyself, 123beta, , basil’s blog, The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, Stuck On Stupid, and The Amboy Times, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

6 Replies to “Oh, that other Celtic saint…”

  1. Another oft-mispronounceed Gaelic term is “Erie go Brag”. This is an Anglisized pronounciation, Ireland forever is pronounced Erie go brack” (spelled brach). It’s true a lot of people use St Pat’s as an excuse to get bombed, but you could say the same thing about any holiday.

  2. Kevin, *heh* I always thought “Éire go brách” (or “Èirinn gu bràth,” as the Scots say :-)) would mor likely be translated as “Ireland ’til Judgement Day. 🙂

    Hugh, the only proper drink to imbibe in honor of Saint David is… water. True. Those who were known as David’s disciples were also known as aquaphiles, because he supposedly ONLY drank water and espoused its use. Lily closely followed David in this as did many of his followers…

  3. Carl–*heh*

    Lotsa Celtic saints, but Bird and Auerbach never quite made sainthood. (Besides, those guys can’t qualify on grounds of good taste, UNLESS the team specifically disavows the “Frechification” of the pronunciation of “Celtic” and compells fan compliance with proper pronunciation of same.


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