
I gripe all the time; it’s the nature of someone who’s naturally curmudgeonly, moderately intelligent, observant and besieged by stupidity, incompetence and outright malice at every turn. (Blog buds excepted from that litany of woes :-))

So, it’s only right that I would make special note of someone who goes the second (and third) mile offering help when needed.

Some of y’all may recall that shortly before the winter storm, power (and other services) outage here in America’s Third World Countyâ„¢, Lovely Daughter’s laptop “died”. Well, not so much died as seemed for all the world as though no power whatsoever were getti9ng to the thing. Battery down to zilch. No could boot. Comes down to looking likie a common problem with these (and many) notebooks: the CD adapter jack.

So, looked around the web. Found replacement jacks purporting to be the right jacks. Found ONE guy who was willing to go beyond just selling me one, offering a mini-tutorial on its proper installation (including pics of the actual implementation of an idea I’d had to lessen the chance of a recurrence of the problem).

Not only that, but he’s gone another “extra mile” offering help in getting the case open non-destructively. (Sony did NOT make it easy at all, at all… *sigh*).

If you need help with your laptop, here’s the go-to guy, IMO:

The Laptop Doctor I do believe he does more than just jack repairs, although that certainly should keep him busy. 🙂

Kudos, Doc.

Update: Paypal just sent me a notice (well, I just read it; it’s been in my inbox for a short bit) that Doc’s already sent the part. This is the kind of guy you want to do business with, folks.

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