Before I forget this, too, I’ll just post this as an early “Friday-Saturday-Sunday” linkfest. Link to this post and track back. More below the post.
With my head totally storm-blasted and still digging out from a week and a half of limited-to-no-access and chores, projects and work I had to let slide, I’ve let some other, more recent, things slide and slide and…
Thirteen Things I Forgot to Do Today… until now
1. Look up a repair manual for Lovely Daughter’s lil Sony Vaio notebook (cos I’m having a DEVIL of a time getting the thing apart enough to work on it!). OK, doi9ng that now.
2. Call our homeowner’s insurance agent… again (about the damage to property–yeh, yeh, I know: can’t let it go too long *sigh*). OK, tomorrow. If I remember to check my todos on my Palm.
3. Change the cat litter. Yeh, today was the day for a complete changeout and it’s gotta be done before I go to bed…
4. ALMOST (does that count?) forgot to post today’s Linkfest Haven Deluxe post. Almost. *whew!*
5. Morning supplements/meds. Right. Something I know better than to forget, but how can a guy remember to take his ginko biloba unless he’s already taken it?
6. Log on to my Mitchell’s online book for my car to look up a wiring diagram. Have to do that tomorrow… (Said that yesterday.)
7. (Re-)Set up the downstairs leg of the network (subnet an entirely new leg with it’s own router/firewall separate from the rest of the network. Not just for fun).
8. Clean off deck.
9. Get the mail. (I forgot to pick up the mail! *sheesh!*)
10. Give “The Boys” (son’s dogs) “Fourth Meal”. Oh, well, they can live without that one all right.
11. I forget what number eleven is. Oh, yeh. See #2. I forgot (and how the HECK did I do THAT?!?!?) to check my todo list on my Palm. *profound sigh* No wonder I forgot so many things today.
12. The bedding. I forgot to wash it last weekend (when we didn’t have power but a local laundromat did) and have meant to pop it in every a.m. since our power was restored… but haven’t. *sigh*
13. Do my Thursday Thirteen.
TB-ed to the Thursday Thirteen Hub.
Oh, and if you have a linkfest/open trackback post to promote OR if you simply want to promote a post via the linkfests/open trackback posts others are offering, GO TO LINKFEST HAVEN DELUXE! Just CLICK the link above or the graphic immediately below.

If you want to host your own linkfests but have not yet done so, check out the Open Trackbacks Alliance. The FAQ there is very helpful in understanding linkfests/open trackbacks.
Interesting list. I’m always forgetting to do too many things. Or if I’m not forgetting them, I’m putting them off while I read a book or watch a tv show.
My 13 are up.