
Yeh, I really cannot boil this post down to a title.

Lovely Daughter surprised me with not one but two Dean Koontz books as Christmas presents (making very good use of her discount at Borders, where she has a very part time job on top of her full time work). Now, if you understood the esteem in which I hold Koontz for his craftsmanship, then you’d know what utter pleasure her gifts have already brought me, not only for the reading of them but for the consideration she put into their selection.

(Be it known that my delight in Jackie Chan’s craftsmanship in a completely different line of artistic expression was noted and acted upon by Son & Heir. :-))

So, two purposes for this post, at least: thanks, kiddos, for the thoughtfulness of your gifts. And all y’all out there, if you have not tasted of Dean Koontz’s wordsmithery, latch onto some of his best, soon. This year, Lovely Daughter satisfied my desire to read more about Odd Thomas with Forever Odd and Brother Odd. Both are replete with not only the masterful characterization, plotting, descriptive narrative and dialog that are typical of Koontz’s work, but also his characteristic nuanced throwaway lines that enhance all the above. Just pick up your own copy(ies) starting with Odd Thomas and see what I mean. Oh, almost any book by Koontz would be a good read (I particularly like

Odd Thomas

Odd Thomas

Forever Odd: A Novel

Forever Odd: A Novel

Brother Odd (Odd Thomas Novels)

Brother Odd (Odd Thomas Novels)

Trackposted to Pirate’s Cove, Perri Nelson’s Website, The Bullwinkle Blog, The HILL Chronicles, Wake Up America, Don Surber, Adam’s Blog, and Pursuing Holiness, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

4 Replies to “Ineffable”

  1. Ah..”Biff” loves Koonz too but says he doesnt understand a single
    word he reads..LOL..nice gifts from the kiddios ! 🙂
    p.s. some of mah tb’s may be caught in nowhere land..heh

  2. re: p.s.–Haven’t seen any that’ve needed pulling from moderation, Angel. I’m especially vigilant to pull yours from the (relatively cool) fires of moderation purgatory. I’ll continue to keep an eye out.

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