T-13, 1.8: 13 “To-dos” while WW is at a conference

While my Wonder Woman’s at a teachers’ conference outa town, I have a list of “to-dos” to accomplish. I may have bitten off more than I can chew, but what’s new about that, eh?

So, here goes…

  1. Sort out our closet.
  2. Move my office (OK, small cheese: clean it out and leave a skeleton setup until I get the new site fully wired).
  3. Inventory and cull my spare parts collection.
  4. Re-sort and reorganize my tools (computer/electronic, woodworking, auto mechanics, plumbing, electrical, etc.–things drift out of category, are set down in the wrong places, etc.–you know how it goes. Give it a few years without a major reorganization–my last one was about 11 years or more ago *heh*–and things… drift, ya know?).
  5. Clean house (after all, WW will be a tad pooped and have grad work piled up when she gets back, right? :-)).
  6. Write the Great American Novel (OK, [write some] blog [posts] :-)).
  7. Give Lovely Daughter advice on how to gently, kindly turn away unwanted suiters… (“You remind me a lot of my little brother” was one tack. *ouch*–*heh* OK, not all that kind and gentle)
  8. Plan my purchases at the new Borders (where Lovely Daughter got a part time job because, well, it’s a bookstore!).
  9. Do laundry. Again. *heh*
  10. Paint the upper cabinet doors in the kitchen. (Yeh, yeh, I know I’m dreaming.)
  11. Modify Lovely Daughter’s pumpkin bread recipe for my bread machine and make a trial loaf. Just for me.
  12. Walk another 10 miles. Quickly.
  13. Get. Some. Sleep.

As usual, you can find other T-13ers at The T-13 Hub

13 Replies to “T-13, 1.8: 13 “To-dos” while WW is at a conference”

  1. Re: #7 Lovely Daughter

    Get her to memorize the phone number for the local county jail. When some twerp whom she never wants to see again “hits on her” for her phone number: she’ll smile sweetly and give him the county jail number as if it were her real number. He’s been “successful” (he thinks); she’s been pleasant — & will probably never hear from him again.

    A friend of mine from college days used this technique rather successfully, but then that was way back in the last century.

  2. Hugh, would be a great idea, except for one guy who’s a member of her church… *heh* Nice enough guy, but not her cuppa tea (she’s *sigh* not a coffee drinker, so, “cuppa tea” is more apt. :-))

    Mama Duck: I’ll not likely get it all done in the next coupla days–other real world stuff going on as well, ya know, but having the list helps me always have something to do when I’m around here instead of just moping cos she’s off somewhere. *heh*

    And who knows? I might just get most of it done. Could be. Maybe. Well, a guy can dream (if he ever goes to bed and sleeps, that is. :-))

  3. Pingback: The Random Yak
  4. Ah, an optimist! Seriously though, that’s really cool about your daughter working at Borders, is her discount good? Hope you get lots of sleep, all of that other stuff can wait if need be.

  5. Melissa, indeed. No time to reply to your comment. *LOL*

    Jenny, yeh, busy. See reply to Melissa, above. ๐Ÿ™‚

    John, uh-huh: Sleep, sweat sleep that knits up the ravel’d sleeve of care… As to Lovely Daughter’s discount, well, since she’s part time, her discounts on books, etc. is actually greater than for full time people (I may have to get a part time job there, myself, just for book discounts. *heh*)

  6. Pingback: Planck's Constant
  7. Well, Bernie, keeping family members to a minimum @ T-giving’s pretty easy with a small nuclear family and extended family extended all across the country… with little reason to find America’s Third World County an attraction. *heh*

    And since we’ve done about all the, save for occasional professinal conferences as required by work, that we have a yen for, sticking around here keeps the holidays pretty low-stress, ya know?


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