“What’s the matter with kids today?”

Or more like a commentary in picture form on one of the major problems with schools today, well, two of the major problems:

1.) Kids who are just plain stupid (no mater their basic “g” scores) to continue wasting school resources with their presence and
2.) Teachers, admins, etc., who don’t just call parents and say, “Your dumbass kid did it again. Come pick him—and the chair he’s stuck in—up. We’ll be charging you $55 for the chair. And $150 for the aggravation of having to interrupt the instruction day to deal with your idiot spawn, minus $5 for the negligible entertainment value of heaping tons of ridicule on his head. Don’t bring him back. Put him in a barrel and feed him through the bunghole.”


Talk about sumbing *heh* dumbing down schools. (Since my typing sticks stinks, I really oughta check for typos more regularly, eh? :-)) And look! It take FOUR “adults” to deal with this time-and-resource sink. Only one out of four is doing anything even remotely useful (a high average for our “prisons for kids”), but at least they gave the poor widdle dahwing a lollipop…

Noted at Diane’s OTA Wednesday.

Oh, and h.t. to Lovely Daughter for the pic. (No, not at her school. Found on the web.)

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