Monday Morning Roundup

Yeh, yeh: I do a roundup on a “regular” basis, all right… determined not by some arbitrary external control like a calendar but by the amount of noise being made by the BBs rattling around in the tin can between my ears.


It’s getting noisy in here–can hardly hear the voices–so, another roundup.

Leading off: a blog that’s new to me. This one’s a keeper (need to update my blogroll and make sure I read through it more faithfully–*heh*). Chaotic Synaptic Activity tracked back to twc with a trenchant analysis of the Vietnam War/Iraq War analogy being pushed by the Hivemind. The BBs in my head were drowning out the voices, but I could hear them all saying, “Yeh, that’s pretty much what we’ve been trying to tell ya!” *heh*

The Vent, qua “The View”: four right-wing babes take on the issues of the day… To see it is to believe it. πŸ™‚

The Maniyak has a clear exposition on homosexuality that will certainly be anathema to those angry, shrill, whiny, sad sack, in-your-face honmosexuals who falsely claim to be gay.

Opera browser 9.1 “preview” is available for download. BE WARNED: DO NOT INSTALL AS AN UPGRADE to an existing Opera install. This is a beta and has known issues with an upgrade installation. If you want to try it (it’s pretty slick–smoothe sailing for me, so far), with the included anti-phishing, etc., improvements, have at it. But if you already use Opera, DO NOT install this over your current Opera install. Put it in a separate folder/directory. BTW, the link above is to the Windows version. See here for other versions.

Bought a used car last week. The dealer threw in a new CD player/radio, which I installed jiffy-quick. So, been downloading mp3s to reconvert and burn onto CDs (CDA-only, no mp3 play). Yeh, I know mp3-WAV is never as good as an original wav, but it’s a car. Between road noise and all the other stuff, it’ll just be enjoyable background sound. Anywho, the point of chasing after this lil brown heifer is that of all the freebie file download sites, this one has a credible collection of classical selections. Not massive, but nicely-performed. The downloads from there alone (quite apart from my personal CD collection) bid fair to make driving this lil project/errand car a tad more fun. (Yeh, like I need another project, right? *heh*)

A post at reminded me of this article from the Winter 1997 issue of Leadership Magazine. Chock full of quotables, the article is a keeper (and yeh, I have hardcopy and e-versions archived) A Willimon quote from the article:

The other day, someone emerged from Duke Chapel and said, “I have never heard anything like that before. Where on earth did you get that?”

I replied, “Where on earth would you have heard this before? After all, this is a pagan, uninformed university environment. Where would you hear this? In the philosophy department? Watching ‘Mr. Rogers’s Neighborhood’? No, to hear this, you’ve got to get dressed and come down here on a Sunday morning.”

Oh, and the post is well worth a read, too. πŸ™‚

For the girls/women in your life, Dragon Lady has an important message. Really. Yeh, I know she trackback posted a link here over the weekend (Thanks!), but the message cries for a hardlink in a post.

Well, not a big roundup, just a few things that I found interesting recently. Some important, some just extracted from the BBs rolling around between my ears. Enjoy.

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